Darıca Farabi Training and Research Hospital was first opened as a Health Center and was restored in 1984 and started to serve as Gebze State Hospital. With the letter dated 22.10.2008 of the General Directorate of Treatment Services of the Ministry of Health, its name was changed to Darıca Farabi State Hospital.
Our hospital consists of 9 floors and 16 blocks and has an installation area of 10 thousand m2 and a total of 51 thousand m2 closed, 96 thousand m2 total area and 13 thousand m2 parking area. Our hospital also has a well-equipped conference hall with a capacity of 270 people. There are 106 polyclinic rooms in our hospital. As of October 2021, our hospital provides outpatient services with 106 Clinician Specialist Doctors. Our hospital provides service with 400 beds. There are a total of 192 patient rooms, 43 single, 148 double, and 1 4-person. It serves as 88.7% qualified (with WC and bathroom), 11.3% unqualified beds.
Kocaeli Darica Farabi State Hospital; In accordance with the provisions of the "Decree on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and Affiliated Institutions No. 663", it has been officially approved with the approval of the Ministry on 08/05/2018 and 1278, along with its operation as a Training and Research Hospital. Within the framework of the provisions of the Additional Article 9 of the Health Services Basic Law No. 3359 and the "Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Cooperation and Cooperation with the Institutions and Organizations of the Ministry of Health and Relevant Units of State Universities" published in the Official Gazette dated 04/03/2020 and numbered 31058. In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Public Hospitals General